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Aug 24, 2021

Dr. Jane Vella and Peter Noteboom are joined by Marian Darlington-Hope, community organizer and former co-owner of GLP, to discuss the axiom, “Begin with the end in mind.” In 1986, Marian read about a workshop at Tufts University and was immediately drawn to its focus on how to avoid all the things she was trying not to do as a professor. The workshop was led by none other than Jane, and within a few years Marian became one of the first owners of Global Learning Partners. In this episode, Marian and Jane reflect on how critical it is to have a clear vision. As Marian’s mother used to say, “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there”.


Read the transcripts for the episode on our website.

This show is produced by Global Learning Partners and Greg Tilton JR, with theme music by Kyle Donald. Follow us on Twitter (@GLPconsultants), Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn (@GlobalLearningPartners) for the latest updates about the show. Find out more about GLP at

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